Tuesday 19 May 2009


TODAY, TUESDAY, is the last day of our wonderful holiday, and whilst it is sad that the time has flown - we had a very exciting evening as a finale.
First of all however we had our usual morning walk - but not too far and just enough for me.

After breakfast though, Sue took me in the car into Pocklington market and as we did not really need to get any food shopping this time, as going home soon, she just went for some more of those yummy dark geraniums and as it was fine had a wander and got a few items off the market stalls. She bought Dusty a new cardigan, and some tomatoes for tea - the paper and then we went 'home'.

After a light lunch it was intended to have another walk but I fell asleep! and then it rained.. so we just had a small potter round later. Kept thundering around and spotting rain

However after tea it was lovely and sunny so we had a proper stroll and went down the private road past the sheep in their field -who all came to the fence and stared at me. Naturally we are always very respectful around livestock and did not go anywhere near them. There are little lambs at present and they came and stared at me too (wonder if they know I am a sheepdog??) I stared back and wandered by on my lead so they relaxed and carried on munching.

As we returned to the cottage the sky turned black and storm clouds rolled up - I did not like the look of those - even though they don't stay long - just empty the rain on us hard but briefly and roll over...

THEN the exciting bit; when we got back near Paws Clare asked Sue if she would like to sit and watch for the Owl this evening - WITH ME!!! Well I was very excited and proud to be included and could not wait until it was getting dusk. Apparently he swoops down around then and we would have to be quiet and still and watch carefully. Well with my "collie eye" that's not a problem for me.

So off we went to the house patio and sat and waited - but silly Sue glanced at me for an instant and missed his first descent - seeing him fly away only.

Second visit though we were all ready and he came over the roof and swooped down very near us - onto the prey - and circled off again.

And then a third time too!

Such a privilege. By the way, you can see photos of this tawny owl on the website called 'Dick Roberts Photos' - see link at Favourite links on this blog...

It was a very special experience

and an evening we shall not forget...

Thank you Dick and Clare
for a wonderful holiday xx

Monday 18 May 2009


Today I had a rest most of the day. This is because I had a simply dreadful night...'cos of my arthritis. The recent damp weather has caught up with me again

It took me a couple of hours to settle down at bedtime and then after Sue had got me comfy I slept well ... but only 'til 6.00 a.m. this morning.

I went over to Sue and let her know I was awake and she said it would help if we had a short walk to get my legs going a little bit. It was a lovely morning, light,but fresh, and we just had a stroll up the lawn and she was right. After a short meander we went back in the warm and back to sleep and felt a lot better all round.

After a late breakfast I got comfy again and as it was raining I went sound asleep again for the whole morning!

Then in the afernoon I felt a bit better and we went out on the patio with Bonny and Clyde - who had been wondering where I had got to! The sun came out and Sue read her book and all was well with the world

THEN the wind got up - and black clouds rolled over - and big [Huge] raindrops started plonking down on us so we had to go back in the dry and stay there.

This was a very nice lazy day and I just popped out to say 'night, night' to my pals and I am here on my rug dreaming about what we might do tomorrow - our last day of the hols...

Sunday 17 May 2009


After dashing about so much yesterday we thought we should just chill out today and roam around in this beautiful landscape and hang out with our friends...

We had a leisurely breakfast and then wandered down to the pond to see the ducks. On the way into the fields we said "hello" to Bonny and Clyde as usual - and also to visiting guests who were just off on an outing..

At the pond we met our duck friends who came to see if we had any bread crusts - which we had brought for them. They were very pleased, as was I, because I love bread!!! Usually at home we feed the birds and I get to 'help' - so I did so this morning very happily!

Whilst talking to Clare she said that they were going out this afternoon so would Sue and I look after Bonny and Clyde by letting them out for a comfort break later on - and we said of course we would

So after lunch we got our coats on [cooler again] and went round to my friends' door and 'unpacked' them from their comfy place; unfortunately it then immediately started raining. But we all plodded round the lawn and got comfy and then I gave Bonny a kiss or two!!!
However the rain then started hammering down, so we all rushed back to the house and Bonny and Clyde dashed back in the warm thankfully... Sue and I rushed back to the cottage too and promised to be back out later

Course I then had to be towelled - don't normally like it but will 'allow it' if absolutely necessary now and then !

Got a lot warmer then ...
Later we went back out when it brightened up - and I had eaten an early tea. We fetched Bonny and #clyde back out and had another potter round together - then we all sat on the patio and watched the birds and sheep and clouds racing by...'til we all decided it was cool enough and went back to the warm for the evening
Tomorrow we might get a warmer day -hope so ...

Saturday 16 May 2009


Been busy today helping Sue and Dusty.
Spent the morning piling up things that could go back home and then when we went outside for our walk we put it all in the car. Just kept the two overnight bags and some undies/tops for three days.

We then texted and heard from Brian that he would be working at our house on Sunday so decided to go over today and drop as much stuff back as we could

So after lunch Sue and I drove over to Hull ...

Good news at home. The electrical work is terrific. All sockets have been moved from skirting to wall and plaster gouged out and repaired - but limited damage made. Plus new sockets etc. Also new light fittings and extra sockets in the attic office. Plus the new windows in the dining room fab.

In the dining room all plaster off down to brick already. It looks a bit horrendous and the kitchen is full of dining room furniture but to be expected. See pics of present appearance!

The house is naturally very dusty and that was a bit upsetting - but they had shut doors when doing the dining room. and the front room has escaped a lot

It was amazing how much the garden had grown - lush long grass - pots flourishing well - birds came down at once -so we fed them.

After inspecting the garden [and the dining room in horror!] I showed Sue I wanted a regular home walk - so we had that and then I got back in the car. Only panic was the loss of the car/house keys after that. Sue searched the house -twice - and had covered them up with some stuff so all OK. Phew!

Anyway we drove back to Paws and told Dusty the good news and he was well relieved of course.

We had our tea and felt very happy all going so well with the home repairs - and after some thunder and rain it cleared up and Sue and I had a lovely long, leisurely evening stroll
We can now all look forward to the remaining few days holiday in peace ...

Friday 15 May 2009


Believe it or not this the second Friday of our holiday! Amazing.

This morning we woke up to pouring rain so after breakfast we got togged out in oue rainwear - including me in my dog waterproofs and went for our walk down to the pond. The ducks were out with their ducklings,of course, they like rain don't they...

Then we all had a leisurely morning and the rain developed into a light drizzle only. So after some lunch Sue and I went back into Pocklington. This is because yesterday she bought a lovely signed print from Pocklington Framing Services and wished she had also got another that she also saw there - women !

So 'course we had to go and get it. Lovely bird /wildlife pictures - I must admit I like them. The artist is local too. Have a look at the lovely paintings they have on the link shown on this page if you like.

Anyway after picking up some more groceries and a geranium for the garden at home (called Regalia 'Chocolate 'cos of it's lovely dark colour) ...

...SHE then had to rummage in a craft shop too (Crafty Poppy Can Knit) and then came out with a tapestry kit to do later.

Honestly; I bundled her into the car and made her drive me back to the holiday cottage before she spent any more!!!!! She said the shopkeepers were so friendly - I've never heard such an excuse....

As soon as we got back I got out of the car and dug my paws in (to the gravel!) and refused to go indoors until we had our afternoon walk. So she dumped the shopping changed her shoes and coat and off we went up the field. It is really great here - greenery all around.

After a yummy tea we went out again - when it is evening a peaceful calm descends - lush green trees weighted down by their leaves nearly to the ground, birdsong here and there - a sheep bleating in the fields - no-one in sight - no traffic - the big house Kilnwick Percy just putting on it's lights in the distance - we could be hundreds of miles from big cities - grrrrreat ...

I wanted to say 'good night to Bonny and Clyde who had been indoors most of the day - so went to see them on the patio..
then as thunder was starting up we went back indoors just as the skies opened and it POURED down !

Phew !
More news tomorrow folks ...

Thursday 14 May 2009


Today was dull and grey and we needed some supplies so Sue and I had our morning walk to the pond and back, greeted our furry friends, and then after lunch we got in the car. I have a super thing called a 'ramp and it is very strong and folds away but it enables me to get in and out of the car easily with my poor wobbly legs - so Sue opened that for me and away we went to Pocklington...

As it was a bit cooler today I could wait for Sue in the car with some windows open and she kept coming and going with her shopping items.

On the last trip she came back with a lovely print of an owl by a local artist - from the Pocklington Picture framing shop near where we parked - she had 'spotted' it when she first went by on the way for potatoes!!!

Before we drove away she took this photo of a very pretty cottage - painted turquiose and with a purple lilac in bloom near the wall -

... so lovely.

Then, as we turned into the private road to Paws a While she took photos of the view from higher up the valley - which looks towards Kilnwick Percy.

........See the big house in amongst the trees ,,,

and this last one shows Paws a While itself in the valley to the right ..

Now we are back and off for a walk

Wednesday 13 May 2009


Believe it or not we have now had half of our holiday already!

... AMAZING !!!

Since we arrived here last Tuesday the 5th May we have had such a happy time, strolling near the stream and through the fields, fraternizing with our friends and lolling on the lawn...the time has flown - watching wildlife and such ...

Despite the cold, windy start we have since had a great set of warm gentle days, which have kept us outdoors for most of those days.

This morning was sunny but fresh when we got up and had our first walk - and then turned into a very hot morning. We spent this time sitting outside reading, and around 12.00 noon some people we had met on earlier holidays arrived - including little Shula their blue roan spaniel. I naturally said "hello" to her and apart from her exploring a bit we also wagged at each other until lunchtime.

Then, this afternoon it turned dull and gloomy and looked like rain. So we had a rest and a snooze until about 4.00 p.m. On going for our afternoon stroll we were fairly freezing again as the wind had got up and it started drizzling a bit.

So here we are back in the warm and, having had my tea early, I am updating our holiday blog and hoping tomorrow will be sunny again.